What to expect from The Front Line of Nutrition

At The Front Line of Nutrition I see clients ranging from weight loss to weight gain and sports nutrition clients, but also people with more chronic illnesses such as bowel disorders and autoimmune disease.

In order to help you achieve your goals I need to know as much as possible about you and your current health. Your initial session will last up to 1 hour where we will go through your past medical history and current dietary habits. I may also ask you to fill out a Medical Symptom Questionnaire (MSQ), which is an objective marker on your current health.

I will take some anthropometrical measurements such as height, weight, body fat, BMI, waist circumference and waist to hip ratio. This provides starting point data from which to measure your progress. After this we will establish your goals and I will use any remaining time to put a plan together for you (either face to face or after you have left the appointment).

We can implement one of two methods moving forward.

Method 1. The influencer principle: we meet every two weeks making small manageable changes to your current habits so that we can start moving you towards your goal – the is a much more powerful coaching method, provides accountability and achieves the best results.

Method 2: The all in one method: I put together a nutrition and supplement plan together for you and send it to you.

Please indicate which method you would prefer.

In follow up session, that last up to 30 minutes, we check in, re-take measurements and discuss your progress – figuring out what is working well, what is not and how we can implement new habit changes where required. It is not unusual to take at least 3 months to see significant changes in your shape or your health and in that time you need to commit to making changes in your lifestyle and implementing the advice I have given you.

In some cases more input is required. If you are currently unwell or have a diagnosed disease such as inflammatory bowel disease or and autoimmune disease for example, there is no guarantee that we can resolve your problem, but we can make significant improvements in your health. This takes more time and a 6-12 month commitment of changing your nutrition habits is required.

There may also be some additional testing required in order to help you get better. You could speak to your GP about additional testing such as blood tests, however, I use a number of tests to give me information about your current health. These include:

  • A NutrEval – a comprehensive blood and urine test to establish your need for vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fats and vitamin D. This also shows markers for amino acid metabolism, toxic metabolites and bowel health.
  • ONE test – a lesser version of the NutrEval using urine to test your need for vitamins, minerals, antioxidants as well as markers for amino acid metabolism, toxic metabolites and bowel health.
  • CDSA2:0 plus parasitology – a stool test to establish makers for bowel inflammation, enzyme function, beneficial and pathogenic bacteria and parasites.
  • Adrenal stress index – a saliva test to establish your stress hormone levels throughout the day.
  • Eostrogen metabolism – a urine test to establish your metabolism of oestrogen, highlighting the levels of protective and damaging oestrogen metabolites.

These tests highlight any foods or food chemicals you may need to reduce or avoid as well as food and nutrients you need much more of or if any supplements need to be taken.

Armed with these test results, your anthropometrics, MSQ and food diary I can put a detailed nutrition plan together for you that will help you work towards your goal.

This level of input does have costs associated to it with the testing and follow up sessions that are required. Follow up sessions are recommended on a monthly basis to implement the actions required based on testing results and you will need to commit yourself to this process for a number of months.

I look forward to being able to help you improve your health.

Please note, the entirety of each time slot is not always spent face to face with you, time is also spent researching and developing your nutrition and supplement plan.

We currently accept cash only.

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